__________________________Sohrab Khoshtinat

__________________________________________________Tour Guide

__________________________Sohrab Khoshtinat

__________________________________________________Tour Guide


۴ مطلب با موضوع «Clients Feedback» ثبت شده است

,Hi Sohrab

Time has flown since Chester Civic Society Group returned to Chester. It was a truly wonderful trip beautifully guided by yourself and we do hope things are/will be working out for you as you hope and that we will see you in Chester at some point

Every best wish for your future

,Elizabeth B


After a two week trip to Iran; Eva has expressed her gratitude

Salaam Sohrab thank you for the poem. I look forward to reading the poems in the book soon.

I so enjoyed my trip through Iran, not in the least thanks to your amazing knowledge and sharing it with us. I think we all agreed that the trip without you would not have been half as good or enjoyable.My best memories, apart from all the amazing mosques, was the friendliness of every single Iranian we met.

Good luck with future tours. Eva


Great to hear from you dear Eva,

I enjoyed reading your comment on our trip. Indeed, it was such a memorable journey for me, too. I wish it was longer. Iran has a lot to offer. Who knows, you might come here again for second time and it would be an honor being your guide.

Once again, thank you for taking time to write to me and looking forward to hear from you more often.

Yours sincerely,

Sohrab Khoshtinat

Persian bath

At the end of the trip to Iran, on the way to the airport Dr. Bronston expressed his beliefs about Iran based on his observations.

This is Bill Bronston and it’s the 15th of April and we’re in a very noisy van on our way to Tehran in order to continue through on to our Emirate’s air onto Dubai and onto our home after spending many many wonderful incredible days here. I’ve kept a log and in the log put in certain kinds of information and sort of the chronology in the specifics of the trip. I can then translate it to the photo albums that are really major product from my trip when I come home. Those photo albums probably 6 or 7, about 200 photographs and each one of them probably focused around each of the city that we visited and from that you know we have a permanent record. We can go back and refer our experiences here.
The trip has been very moving. First of all the avalanche of information and material and experiences and travels and things we’ve seen are just enormous and makes it because of their multidimensionality. Persia has such and extraordinary long history that not only are you looking at its face but each face has a very deep shadow of origin.

Dr. Bronston, recommends visiting Iran

Iran is extraordinary and utterly safe. We chose to visit for 3+ weeks to see its profound historical, societal and cultural importance, and because I knew it would be one of the safest places in the world to visit.  We traveled with a brilliant guide, driver and our own limo arranged through MIR Travel for our visit to Tehran, Kerman, Yazd, Shiraz, Persepolis, Isfahan, and Kashan staying 2 - 4 days in each.